Trainee Directory

The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME) consists of 300+ graduate students from the Master of Engineering, Master of Applied Science, and Doctor of Philosophy programs. Below are some of our trainees who have agreed to have their profiles showcased. For privacy reasons, we have not shown the contact information of our students.

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Photo of Jann Aldrin Gamboa

Jann Aldrin Gamboa

Primary Advisor: Dr. Freeman Lan Graduate school start date: September 3, 2024 Graduate school end date (approximation): June 30, 2029


Jann (he/him) is a PhD student at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto. He is a member of the Lan Lab, which specializes in utilizing droplet microfluidic technology to study complex biological systems. He obtained his undergraduate degree also from the University of Toronto, where he pursued a double major in Biochemistry and Pharmacology. His research interests focus on understanding and manipulating the gut microbiome using ultrahigh-throughput experimentation for therapeutic and other applications. Currently, he is designing gut microbiome-derived therapeutics for the treatment of infectious and gut microbiome-related diseases.