Upcoming February offerings for Graduate Students
from the Centre for Learning Strategy Support,
formerly called Academic Success.
February Workshops
Project Management for Grad Students
Tuesday, February 4, 4:00-5:30 pm
Thursday, February 6, 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Rekindle and Sustain Academic Motivation
Monday, February 10, 4:00-5:15 pm
Overcoming the Messaging that Your English “Isn’t Good Enough”
Wednesday, February 12, 6:00-7:30 pm
Write Fright!!! For Grad Students
Wednesday, February 26, 4:00-5:30 pm
3MT Coaching for Semi-Finalists
Friday, February 28, 3:00–4:30 pm
Ongoing Weekly
Writing Groups and Productivity Groups
All grad students in all disciplines are welcome in these supportive, positive, popular sessions.
Links in program titles are active.
Join a weekly group. Groups run 7 days a week. See the schedule.
Email gwg@utoronto.ca to register.
Grad Productivity Groups – Actually Work From Home!
Log in using this link to browse and register for any group, anytime.
Accessibility Sections: GWG-A & GPG-A – log into Folio or inquire at as.learning@utoronto.ca.
Individual Learning Strategy Appointments
Meet with a Learning Strategist to improve your learning and academic experience. Book in Folio.
Booking assistance: clss@utoronto.ca, 416-978-7970.
Join our Listserv!
Graduate students, staff and faculty are invited to join Grad Student Success to receive regular, advanced notice of workshops and programming designed specifically for graduate and second-entry professional students.
Grad Programming Inquiries: Dr. Andrea Graham ak.graham@utoronto.ca
Folio (Registration System) Inquiries: folio@utoronto.ca.