Graduate Student Seminar Series
Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the ‘Add Guest’ button and they will also be notified of your presentation.
Location: MY380
Presentation Title: Risk Assessment and Prediction of Opioids Induced Respiratory Depression During Sleep
Abstract: Opioids induced respiratory adverse events during sleep is a major health challenge. These adverse events are mainly characterized as prolonged reduction of airflow and respiratory rate and reduced blood oxygen saturation. The consequences are cardiopulmonary complications, increased morbidity, hospital length of stay, costs, 30-day readmission, and higher mortality. The risk factors include age, sex, body mass index, opioids’ dosage, comorbid sleep and cardiac disorders, and concomitant use of other medications. While identifying high-risk individuals, proper monitoring of their respiratory function, and timely interventions can significantly prevent the adverse events, current techniques have low accuracy, lack external validation, have false errors, cannot predict adverse respiratory events. Therefore, in this research project, our goal is to develop algorithms based on signal processing and artificial intelligence techniques for risk assessment and prediction of respiratory adverse events during sleep in individuals who are taking opioids. The outcome of this research can help identify high-risk individuals for more frequent monitoring of their respiratory function. Moreover, the monitoring and prediction algorithm can be used to alert the caregivers in advance of an adverse event for initiating proper intervention.
Supervisor Name: Dr. Azadeh Yadollahi
Year of Study: 5
Program of Study: PhD
Reschedule Reason: Adding supervisor as guest
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