Trainee Directory

The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME) consists of 300+ graduate students from the Master of Engineering, Master of Applied Science, and Doctor of Philosophy programs. Below are some of our trainees who have agreed to have their profiles showcased. For privacy reasons, we have not shown the contact information of our students.

If you are a registered graduate student, or a trainee at BME and would like your information displayed on this page, please fill out a form here and we'll review your profile ASAP. If you have any questions, or would like to have your profile removed from this page, please email us at

For more student-related stories, please visit BME's blog for more detail:

Photo of Maya De Cruz Maya De Cruz
Penney Gilbert

The Gilbert lab has previously established methods to engineer murine skeletal muscle tissues that rapidly induce and sustain muscle stem cell quiescence. I am interested in using this platform to study the spatially and temporally complex signalling between muscle stem cells that enables niche repopulation.