Graduate Timetables

Click on the course code in the timetable to view descriptions. Course availability may change from year to year depending on instructor availability (e.g., some courses are only available in alternate years). All available graduate courses are shown below. If you have questions about educational content and/or accommodations, please contact the instructor(s).


2024 Fall term

BME1010*Graduate Seminar (MASc)M17:00-18:10HS610ChengInstructions
BME1011*Graduate Seminar (PhD)M17:00-18:10HS610ChengInstructions
BME1405**Clinical Engineering Instrumentation IR14:00-16:00(TBD)AndrysekSyllabus
BME1453Genomics and Synthetic Nucleic Acid TechnologiesR15:00-17:00BA2135Chou
BME1454Regenerative Medicine: Fundamentals and ApplicationsT09:00-11:00BA2145GilbertSyllabus
BME1472Fundamentals of Neuromodulation Technology and Clinical ApplicationsW10:00-12:00MY320Yoo
BME1473Acquisition and Processing of Bioelectric SignalsW14:00-16:00BA-B024Zariffa
BME1478Coding for Biomedical EngineersW, R---ASYNCGartonCourse material distribution on Thursdays,
Help sessions run on Wednesdays (all day).
BME1500Topics in Neuromodulation W15:00-17:30MY380MilosevicStudents should contact CNMI to obtain permission to enroll
BME1560Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical EngineeringF14:00-17:00MY317LankaranySyllabus
BME1479*Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical ResearchersT, R10:00-12:00 (T),
10:00-12:00 (R),
SK548 (T),
MY330 (R)
BME1801**Biomedical Product Development IIT10:00-14:00WB130Parker
BME1570Introduction to Digital HealthW13:00-15:00MY420Roshan-Fekr
BME1802Biomedical Devices Human FactorsF10:00-12:00MY315BouwmeesterSyllabus
BME1452Polymers for Biomedical EngineeringT, R10:00-11:30 (T),
09:30-11:00 (R)
MY360 (T),
WB130 (R)
JMB1050Biological and Bio-inspired MaterialsW10:00-12:00MY480SoneSyllabus
BME1088Concepts in ImmunoengineeringT12:00-14:00SU440Aung
BME1466Advanced Topics on Magnetic Resonance Imaging---------ChengNot offered; Syllabus for reference only.
BME1520Engineering Systems: Preventing Injury and Illness---------DuttaNot offered
CHE1125Modelling and Optimization of Chemical/Biomedical Networks---------MahadevanAdd course directly on ACORN
LMP1103Tissue Injury, Repair, and Regeration---------Kapoor, ViswanathanContact LMP
This course weighs 0.25 FCE. BME students who take this course, must take another 0.25 FCE course to receive a total of 0.50 FCE.
MSC1006Neuroanatomy - Introduction to Anatomical Organization of the Brain---------Ibrahim, GermannAdd course directly on ACORN

2025 Winter term

BME1010*Graduate Seminar (MASc)M17:00-18:10HS610ChengInstructions
BME1011*Graduate Seminar (PhD)M17:00-18:10HS610ChengInstructions
BME1439**Clinical Engineering Instrumentation IIR14:00-16:00AB107Andrysek
BME1462Biological Image AnalysisM15:00-17:00MY420Fernandez-GonzalezSyllabus
BME1477*Biomedical Engineering Project Design and ExecutionW12:00-14:00BA1220FranklinSyllabus
BME1510Introduction to Data Science for Biomedical EngineersW10:00-12:00MY360Kushki
BME1540Designing and Testing Gaming Technologies for RehabilitationM13:00-15:00SU440Biddiss
BME1550Regenerative Medicine: Science, Manufacturing and Regulations W13:00-15:00OI2198Vasconcelos, ViswanathanSyllabus
BME1800**Biomedical Product Development IT10:00-13:00HS108Khan O.
JEB1444Neural EngineeringW15:00-17:00AB114BardakjianSyllabus
BME1460Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy: Theory and Application to Live Cell ImagingT10:00-13:00MY360Rocheleau
BME1580Digital Technologies for Cardio-Respiratory DisordersM09:00-11:00MY350Yadollahi
BME1530Robot Foundations & Programming for Biomedical ApplicationsW16:00-19:00MN3110KahrsRobotics teaching lab is located at UTM
BME1471Rehabilitation Engineering---------MasaniNot offered; Syllabus for reference only
BME1459Protein Engineering---------TruongNot offered; Syllabus for reference only
JEB1433Medical Imaging---------NachmanNot offered; Syllabus for reference only (next available 2026)
ECE1475Bio-PhotonicsW15:00-18:00TBDLeviContact ECE
JCB1349Molecular Assemblies: Structure/Function/Properties---------YipContact instructor for schedule
CHE1334Organ-on-a-Chip Engineering---------RadisicAdd course directly on ACORN
JPB1071Advanced Topics: Computational NeuroscienceR13:30-15:304KD-503Lankarany, De PittàAdd course directly on ACORN; course located at Krembil
MSE1070Biomedical and Clinical DevicesR (LEC)
18:00-20:00 (R)
18:00-19:00 (T)
WB119 (R)
BA2175 (T)
MatsuuraAdd course directly on ACORN



1: Monday (M), Tuesday (T), Wednesday (W), Thursday (R), Friday (F)

2: Activity times reported using 24-hour format. All activities are conducted in local time for Toronto, Ontario, Canada

3: Classes are held at St. George Campus, UTSG, unless otherwise indicated

Course restrictions

**Restricted – Professional program (BME MEng) students only

*  Restricted – Research program (BME PhD/MASc) students only

Priority enrolment

BME students have priority enrolment. General enrolment is available only if there is sufficient course capacity or if a student has explicit written permission from the instructor(s) to enroll.


Some courses may allow students to queue into a waitlist. Waitlisted students on ACORN will automatically be enrolled into their desired course (in priority sequence) if space should become available. Course limits are set by the respective course instructor(s). Whereas the Graduate Office cannot add students into courses that are full, students seeking accommodation and/or other consideration should contact the course instructor(s) for options (if any).

Course status

REQPending request review by the student’s home unit.
INTPending interim review by the host instructor’s unit.
APPStudent enrollment was approved.
REFStudent enrollment was refused. Student is not enrolled, and may not make another request for the course during this term.
CANStudent enrollment was cancelled (i.e., withdrew before the deadline).
WAITStudent was placed on the waitlist. Note that the waitlist has a maximum. ACORN allows a student to waitlist up to 1.0 FCE per term, as long as the student’s total course load is within the unit's enrollment limit.
DWAITStudent was dropped/removed from the waitlist.