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Graduate Student Seminar Series – Raymond Hawkins

April 7 @ 5:25 pm - 5:40 pm EDT

Graduate Student Seminar Series
Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the ‘Add Guest’ button and they will also be notified of your presentation.
Location: HS610 – 155 College St, Room 610
Presentation Title: ReSCU-Nets: Recurrent U-Nets for segmentation of timelapse microscopy data
Abstract: Segmenting multi-dimensional microscopy data requires high accuracy across many images (e.g. timepoints or Z slices) and is thus a labour-intensive part of biological image processing pipelines. We present ReSCU-Nets, recurrent convolutional neural networks that use the segmentation results from the previous frame as a prompt to segment the current frame. We demonstrate that ReSCU-Nets outperform state-of-the-art image segmentation models in different segmentation tasks on time-lapse microscopy sequences.
Supervisor Name: Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez
Year of Study: 3
Program of Study: MASc
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April 7
5:25 pm - 5:40 pm EDT
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