Posts Categorized: News

Teams focused on cell therapy and diagnostics win first and second place at the Building a Biotech Venture Pitch Competition

The injection of lab-made, healthy cells—referred to as a cell therapy — into a damaged heart could be a way to prevent that heart from failing. But to make this therapy a reality, the cells must be able to integrate and survive in patients’ bodies. That problem is exactly what Myoxa Therapeutics, the first-place winner at the Building a Biotech Pitch Competition, is working on solving.

Grip-enhancing agents quantitatively improve sliding friction between a fingertip and a baseball

A study conducted by Tohoku University in collaboration with the University of Toronto and NTT Communication Science Laboratories has shown that applying substances to fingertips can considerably change the handling of a baseball. This finding, published in Communications Materials, could alter how these substances will be used in competitive baseball leagues.
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