Featured Speaker: Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023, noon to 1 p.m. EST
We’re pleased to invite you to hear from our next guest speaker, Dr. Tom Chau, a senior scientist, and a full professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Toronto. He also leads the PRISM Lab (Paediatric Rehabilitation Intelligent Systems Multidisciplinary)
Dr. Chau will present his research talk titled, Brain-computer interfaces as access technologies for children and youth with disabilities: It’s the thought that counts.
Research Talk Summary:
Dr. Chau’s talk will focus on some recent advances in non-invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) developed at Holland Bloorview as an alternative access pathway to communication and environmental control. BCIs directly harness brain activity associated with functional intent and thereby bypass the motor system in connecting people to the world around them. At Holland Bloorview, we have been investigating near-infrared spectroscopic BCIs, neuroelectric BCIs, ultrasonic BCIs and some combinations thereof. Each modality will be briefly introduced, and a sampling of novel BCI control paradigms will be exemplified. We are only beginning to understand the enabling and therapeutic potential of BCIs in the development of children. The presentation will close with a description of how these technologies are being translated into clinical practice at Holland Bloorview.
To register for the event, visit: hollandbloorview.ca/BRIResearchRounds.
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