Graduate Seminar Series: Molecular Stream
Graduate Seminar Series for the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME). This day is for molecular stream presenters.
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Presentation Title: IFNa as a potential anti-tumour therapeutic
Abstract: There is significant clinical precedence for the use of IFNa as an anti-tumour therapeutic. However, these uses are hampered by toxicities associated with high-dose/high-frequency regimens, and by the immune-evasive properties of the tumour environment. Herein, we demonstrate how IFNa expressed by tumour cells can prevent tumour formation in vivo, with no observable toxicities. However, this rejection does not result in protective effects against a subsequent rechallenge of the tumour cell line. These results demonstrate the utility of IFNa as an anti-tumour therapeutic, though indicate that the mechanism by which the tumour cells are being rejected does not result in protective immunity against cancer, thereby limiting the use of IFNa as a monotherapy against cancer.
Supervisor Name: Dr. Kevin Truong
Year of Study: 4
Program of Study: PhD
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Meeting ID: 896 1037 2821
Password: 483329
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