
An emergency is an urgent, unexpected, and usually dangerous situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment and requires immediate action.

  1. Call 911. Provide your location. Labs have address info at exit doors.
  2. Call campus police at 416-978-2222. Campus police can assist first responders with locating you.
  3. Report the incident to your UofT contact (e.g., thesis supervisor)
  4. Submit an accident/incident eForm within 24 hours (https://ehs.utoronto.ca/report-an-incident/).

Accidents or incidents (non-emergency)

Reportable incidents are those which:

  • Result in personal injury or lost time from work (including those requiring first aid and occupational illness)
  • Have the potential to result in personal injury or property damage even though no injury or damage occurred
  • Occur to any person on university premises
  • Occur to a university employee during their workday either on/off university premises
  • Occur to a student during their classroom, laboratory or field work
  • Occur to a student during a work placement (either paid/unpaid) which forms part of their university curriculum

Report the incident (e.g., theft, mischief):

  1. Get medical attention, if needed. Call campus police at 416-978-2323 (non-emergency line).
  2. Report the incident to your UofT contact (e.g., thesis supervisor)
  3. Submit an accident/incident eForm within 24 hours (https://ehs.utoronto.ca/report-an-incident/).

Safety Training

Students must complete all three levels of training before working in a research lab.

Local level

Lab safety training

For research conducted in a teaching lab, an individual’s research lab (on and/or off-campus), or a core facility, you will receive training on procedures, protocols, and equipment. The lab supervisor is responsible for training you and keeping a record of your training.

Unit level

Departmental safety training

The Institute of Biomedical Engineering offers health and safety training through Quercus: https://q.utoronto.ca/courses/156678

  1. Fill out the BME Health and Safety Online Orientation Registration.
  2. Check your UTORmail for the Quercus course invitation.

University level

Environmental health and safety (EHS) training

The EHS Office ensures that labs operate safely and provides workers with lab safety training courses and resources. Depending on the type of research and lab you are working in your training requirements will vary.

  1. Fill out the Lab Training Matrix to find out what courses you are required to take.
  2. Register for EHS training course(s).
    • EHS courses are only accessible from within the UofT network. If you are off-campus, first connect to UTORvpn.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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