A Rotating Stage for a Microscope

IBBME proudly launches two new Biodesign BME 479/489 capstone courses this week, part of its Biomedical Systems Engineering Option offered through the Division of Engineering Science.

The courses, BME 479 and BME 489, offer undergraduates the chance to tackle real-world biomedical engineering problems which can be submitted by professors, companies, and engineers.

"This is a really exciting opportunity for the whole community," says course administrator, Assistant Professor Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez. "Students have an amazing opportunity to further their skill sets, but companies also have a remarkable pool of talent at their disposal."

Students professionalize and integrate their engineering skills as they work in teams of 3 to 4, the results of which are displayed at a Biodesign Fair. Each team will receive $1,000 each towards the cost of materials.

Read more about these new courses - including information on how to register for the course, how to submit a project, and course expectations, at the new Biodesign website:
