Graduate Seminar Series: Molecular Stream
Graduate Seminar Series for the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME). This day is for molecular stream presenters.
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Presentation Title: Functionalized DNA for Templated Biomineralization
Abstract: DNA assemblies show promising biomimicry; they can fold into complex and highly ordered nanoarchitectures capable of mimicking naturally occurring structures. Further, they can act as scaffolds and be functionalized at specific locations. To date, there is limited research on DNA assemblies as guides for mineral growth. The objective is to develop DNA nanostructures functionalized with a mineral promoting peptide at precise locations to control mineralization. It is hypothesized that enhanced and selective mineral growth will occur by controlling nucleation sites using peptide-DNA nanostructures.
Supervisor Name: Dr. Karina Carneiro
Year of Study: 2
Program of Study: PhD
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Meeting ID: 896 1037 2821
Password: 483329
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