Graduate Student Seminar Series – Ali Reza Ettefagh


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: A New Automatic Tele-Rehabilitation Platform for Patients with Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders Using Technology Fusion Supervisor Name: Dr. Atena Roshan Fekr Year […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Alyssa Apilan


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Examining the Therapeutic Potential of Porphyrin Lipid Nanoparticles for Hepatocelluar Carcinoma Supervisor Name: Gang Zheng Year of Study: 2 Program of Study: […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Mohammad Saleh


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Immunocloaking for Organ Transplantation Supervisor Name: Michael Garton Year of Study: 5 Program of Study: PhD Powered by

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Farshad Murtada


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Engineering DNA Barcoded Nanostructures for the High-Throughput Capture of Low-Affinity T Cells Supervisor Name: Leo Chou Year of Study: 2 Program of […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Tianhao Chen


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Design of biodegradable brain stimulation electrodes to activate endogenous neural precursor cells (NPCs) Supervisor Name: Hani E Naguib and Cindi M Morshead […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Kylie Lau


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Optimizing biphasic stimulation for stroke repair Supervisor Name: Dr. Cindi Morshead, Dr. Milos Popovic Year of Study: 4 Program of Study: PhD […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Lily Takeuchi


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: The development of stem-cell derived microfluidic models of the blood-brain barrier in Alzheimer's disease Supervisor Name: Craig Simmons Year of Study: 4 […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Alyssia Sanchez


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Home-based reminder system and data driven insights for dementia care Supervisor Name: Dr. Alex Mihailidis Year of Study: 2 Program of Study: […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Gurnish Sidora


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Towards the Use of Transcanal Recordings and Computational Fluid Dynamics for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulsatile Tinnitus Supervisor Name: Dr. David Steinman […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Rawad Alkallas


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: A Multi-Nodal Physiological Monitoring System Utilizing Multi-Wavelength Photoplethysmography and Bioimpedance for Advanced Hemodynamic Classification Supervisor Name: Daniel Franklin Year of Study: 2 […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Ruonan Cao


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Probing the epigenetic mechanisms for entering and exiting drug-tolerant persister state using high-throughput 3D tumour arrays Supervisor Name: Prof. Alison McGuigan Year […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Stefan Mladjenovic


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: TBD Supervisor Name: Warren Chan Year of Study: 4 Program of Study: PhD Powered by