Fw: Submit Your Abstract & Be a Panelist at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Research Showcase

Dear Temerty Faculty of Medicine Members,

Thank you to those who have already registered for the second Temerty Faculty of Medicine Research Showcase, which will take place on Friday, June 7 from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at the Bahen Centre for Information Technology (40 St. George Street) [mark your calendars]. This is a gentle reminder that we are a little over a week away from the deadline for abstract submissions and indicating your interest in participating in the research and mentorship panels – Friday, April 19 at 11:59 PM.
Submit your abstract to join our Poster Sessions, offering unique ways to present your findings to both students and judges. The top abstracts will be invited to present orally at the Research Symposia.
Additionally, we are seeking trainees, faculty, staff, and core facility personnel for our Research Panels to foster discussions on research methods, the latest trends, and best research practices.
Finally, we are seeking graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows for our Mentorship Panels to pass on their knowledge to the next generation of researchers and medical trainees.
If you are submitting an abstract and/or indicating your interest in serving as a research panelist, you must also register for the event using the two forms below.
For those wishing to just attend the event and/or serve as judges, registration will close on or before Friday, May 31 at 11:59 PM, pending ticket availability. We are nearly at capacity, so sign up at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please visit our website or reach out to us at temerty.research.showcase@utoronto.ca.

Best regards,
The Temerty Faculty of Medicine Research Showcase Organizing Committee

We would like to express our gratitude to our lead sponsor, the Office of the Vice Dean of Research and Health Science Education, as well as the following departments: Medical Biophysics, Biochemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Medical Imaging, Pharmacology & Toxicology, and Family and Community Medicine, for their generous support.