*This email contains information about two upcoming learning opportunities related to scholarly publishing, and links to publishing supports from the University of Toronto Libraries*
Event 1:
Scholarly publishing: What matters to you?
As an early career researcher, it can be challenging to navigate the complex scholarly publishing landscape. How do you decide where and when to publish your research? What factors or criteria weigh in your decision-making? What supports can you draw upon?
Join us for a discussion on decisions and supports within the scholarly publishing landscape and what that might mean for you as a graduate student looking to expand the visibility of your research.
When: Thursday, November 14, noon to 1pm.
Who is invited: U of T graduate students from all three campuses and any discipline.
Who should attend: any student interested in chatting about this topic.
Where: This in-person conversation will occur concurrently across UTM, UTSC and St. George with food available at each campus.
Register to attend at the:
Event 2:
Ready, Set, Publish: Copyright & Open Access for Researchers
Date: Thursday, November 21 from 2:00 pm to 4:00pm
Registration Link:https://libcal.library.utoronto.ca/event/3846058
Join Graeme Slaght, Scholarly Communications and Outreach Librarian, and Shelby Thaysen, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, for an afternoon all about deepening understanding of copyright issues and open access publishing.
Participants will gain practical insights to make informed decisions about their rights and options as authors publishing the results of their research in an increasingly complex publishing environment. This webinar is aimed at participants who have some experience with publishing. While it’s not an introductory session, it will provide valuable resources and tools to facilitate author agency for researchers at all stages of their publishing careers.
This workshop will consist of two parts. Participants may attend one or both sessions. The workshop will be recorded and shared with all registrants.
Supplementary material will also be made available to registrants.
Part 1: Copyright for Researchers – 2:00 PM
Part 1 will outline author rights and other copyright concerns related to publishing research. It will aim to equip researchers with the knowledge and tools to think strategically about their own copyrights. This session will also discuss GenAI and its implications for scholarly authors and their rights to control their works. Part 1 will frame the conservation about Open Access in Part 2.
Part 2: Open Access Publishing – 3:00 PM
Part 2 will discuss the major upcoming changes in the research funding landscape in Canada related to the expected future requirement that Tri-Agency-funded authors will be mandated to make the published results of their research openly available immediately, upon publication.
This section will highlight open access funding agreements and discounts available to authors through the University of Toronto Libraries when publishing with select publishers.
This section will also explore other pathways and resources to open access publishing offered by the library such as the new open access journal search tool Scifree and the assisted deposit service for our institutional repository, TSpace.
This will be a synchronous workshop delivered in a webinar format. If you have accessibility needs, please contactscholarly.communications@library.utoronto.ca
Date: Thursday, November 21 from 2:00 pm to 4:00pm
Register: https://libcal.library.utoronto.ca/event/3846058
Also, Publishing Supports from the Library
- Publishing Discounts. APC discounts by publisher
- Publishing Discounts. APC discounts by journal
- Predatory Publishing Checklist
- OA Publishing Options
- Authors’ Rights
- Getting Published in the Health Sciences
- Research Impact & Researcher Identity
Submit and Publish Your Thesis: https://guides.library.utoronto.ca/thesis