Posts By: Institute of Biomedical Engineering

Grip-enhancing agents quantitatively improve sliding friction between a fingertip and a baseball

A study conducted by Tohoku University in collaboration with the University of Toronto and NTT Communication Science Laboratories has shown that applying substances to fingertips can considerably change the handling of a baseball. This finding, published in Communications Materials, could alter how these substances will be used in competitive baseball leagues.

Halliday Party 2022 – Gallery

On December 13, 2022, BME celebrated the start of the holiday season with our annual 'Halliday Party'.

Faces of BME – Soowan Choi

Inspired by the need to help others, MASc candidate Soowan Choi is developing tools that incentivize children's rehabilitation through video games. Ultimately, he wants to make these technologies more accessible to people, regardless of their background.

The Quintessential Game Changer

Dr. Geoff Fernie's legacy is one that’s related to the positive outcomes people experience in their lives: helping people live their lives to the fullest following life-altering disease or illness.

Solving healthcare problems through strategic consulting

Completed her Ph.D. in Dr. Paul Santerre’s lab in 2019, Dr. Meghan Wright always had a passion for entrepreneurship, business, and science. After graduating, Meghan interned briefly with the life sciences investment firm Bloom Burton & Co. as a consultant before joining Shift Health, a life sciences and healthcare strategy consulting firm located in Toronto. Now Meghan is working on projects across a wide range of areas – from the private sector to academia, to help transform healthcare.
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