Posts By: Institute of Biomedical Engineering

Wearable medical device redefines cardiovascular monitoring

A team of researchers led by Professor Daniel Franklin (BME) unveiled a cutting-edge wearable medical device designed to revolutionize cardiovascular monitoring. This innovative device integrates multiple sensory modalities to provide a comprehensive assessment of hemodynamic status, surpassing conventional blood pressure monitoring.

New research paper unveils breakthrough sensor for real-time cellular analysis in living zebrafish embryos

In a study published today, researchers from the University of Toronto have introduced an innovative biosensor, Apollo-NADP+, in living zebrafish embryos to track molecular metabolism. The study, featured in Science Advances, sheds light on the potential applications of this cutting-edge technology in understanding cellular processes and addresses a critical question in diabetes research.

Meet the incoming class of 2023

In September, BME welcomed 100+ students into our graduate programs. We asked some of these students why they chose our programs, and what they are looking forward to in this unusual year. Here's what they have to say.

Two years apart: out of the pandemic and onto greener pastures

Back in 2021, one year into the lockdown, we sat down with 6 MASc and PhD students from BME, exploring their visions for a world changed in two years’ time. Recently, we had the opportunity to reconnect with these extraordinary individuals and witness the profound evolution of their perspectives.

IBET Momentum Fellow Chantel Briana Campbell fabricates multilayered biomaterials that can help repair damaged hearts, eyes and muscles

Campbell is one of three 2023 recipients of the Indigenous and Black Engineering and Technology (IBET) Momentum Fellowships, along with fellow graduate students Raylene Mitchell (MIE) and LaShawn Murray (MIE). Fellowship recipients receive financial support, mentorship, training and networking opportunities to reduce the systemic barriers for their entry into academia.
Showing 61 - 70 of 570 results