Trainee Directory

The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME) consists of 300+ graduate students from the Master of Engineering, Master of Applied Science, and Doctor of Philosophy programs. Below are some of our trainees who have agreed to have their profiles showcased. For privacy reasons, we have not shown the contact information of our students.

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Photo of Shivam Chadha

Shivam Chadha

Primary Advisor: Caitlin Maikawa Graduate school start date: September 5, 2023


I started my science journey as an exercise and environmental physiologist studying the effects of ambient heat and vibration on muscle endurance in undergrad, and was immediately intrigued by the role  signalling and genetic architecture played in cell responses. During my MSc in Dr. Meaghan Jones’s lab at University of Manitoba, I studied how frailty-associated DNA methylation and cellular epigenetic age are altered by circulating extracellular vesicles from postmenopausal women, identifying genomic loci and metabolic pathways for drug targets. After learning how long it takes for basic science to translate into clinical use, I am now working on developing inflammation targeting polymers that can be taken orally in a pill to precisely treat inflammatory bowel disease and reduce the likelihood of adverse effects. Outside of science, I enjoy exploring Toronto on runs, baking goodies I will immediately inhale, figure skating in the winter, and cycling year round. Ask me about my cat Malory and countless tattoos!