Donate and support our projects

BME Student Fellowship

The BME Student Fellowship is aimed to fund top students in our graduate programs, where 100% of the proceed will directly go to students. Your contribution will have a positive and long-lasting impact in our student’s lives. Our goal is to raise $1 million in total fund. The Institute of Biomedical Engineering will provide a 1:1 match to your donation.

Biomedical Engineering Director's Fund

Contributions to Biomedical Engineering Director’s Fund give directors the flexibility to meet their students’ needs and the agility to seize opportunities as they arise in the rapidly evolving scientific and higher education sectors.

Mohammad & Zeynab Asadi-Lari Award

The Mohammad and Zeynab Asadi-Lari Award recognizes a MD/PhD student who has demonstrated excellence in innovation and brought about positive change.

Dedicated to improving student life

Our graduate student population will benefit from your generous support in scholarships, bursaries, and other financial means.

BME welcomes the 2024 MasterCard Scholar cohort

Jennifer Akaade and Theophilus Ofori are two MasterCard Scholars who joined the Master of Engineering program at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering in September 2024. As a part of the MasterCard Foundation initiative, this Scholarship aims to further education, leadership, and skill development for young people from Africa, while working to address systemic barriers in higher education.

Meet the 2024 Leadership of Biomedical Engineering Students’ Association

Introducing the Movers and Shakers of the Biomedical Engineering Students’ Association (BESA)! Meet the leadership team that will spearhead graduate student related extracurricular activities this year.

Faces of BME – Lucy Ma

Lucy Ma, a biomedical engineering graduate student, is developing iPSC-derived skeletal muscle tissues to create a sustainable cure for chronic genetic diseases like hemophilia, under the supervision of Dr. Michael Garton and Dr. Penney Gilbert. As captain of the Gold boat for the SKULE Iron Dragons, she draws on the teamwork and discipline of dragon boat racing to fuel her research and stay connected to her Asian heritage.

2024 Dorrington Award recognizes graduate students innovating myopathy research, mapping the liver and advancing personalized medicine

Heta Lad, a PhD candidate conducting research under the supervision of Professor Penney Gilbert, is one of the recipients of the award.

Eight BME graduate students receive a combined funding of $227,500 from CIHR

Eight graduate students from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the University of Toronto have been awarded a combined funding of $227,500 through the Canada Graduate Scholarship program for doctoral and master’s students. This prestigious scholarship program, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), supports and promotes research excellence across a wide range of disciplines, including health, natural sciences and engineering, and social sciences and humanities.

Empowering future biomedical engineers 

This summer, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the University of Toronto (U of T) hosted a series of hands-on workshops (iBEAM) in collaboration with the U of T Enrichment Academy’s outreach initiative. This University-wide initiative aims to enrich the educational experiences of historically underrepresented high school students and guide them toward successful post-secondary education.

Support cutting-edge research

Our graduate student, researchers, and faculty will continue to drive cutting edge research in biomedical engineering with your support.

With heart-on-a-chip, researchers study genetic mutation underlying cardiac muscle disease

Researchers at the University of Toronto and its partner hospitals have led the development of a heart-on-a-chip device to study the effects of a genetic mutation that causes dilated cardiomyopathy, a heart muscle disease that impairs blood flow throughout the body.

Dr. Milica Radisic Elected as Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE) 

Dr. Milica Radisic has been elected as a Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE), the highest honor bestowed by the global biomaterials community on exceptional scientists.  

‘DNA origami’ may bring researchers one step closer to a cancer vaccine

BME professor Leo Chou creates DNA nanostructures that can serve as a platform to deliver instructions to a body’s immune cells in a way that would elicit an effective response towards a disease. His team has developed a new way to visualize 3D nanostructures made of human DNA.

Engineering soft connective tissues with biomimetic mechanical properties 

A team of researchers at the University of Toronto, led by Professor Craig Simmons, has introduced a novel method to engineer soft connective tissues with prescribed mechanical properties similar to those of native tissues. This finding, published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials, can propel the generation of more realistic tissues and organs for regenerative medicine in the future.

Donnelly Centre to House New Self-Driving Lab to Innovate Next-Generation Human Tissue Models

The Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research is home to a new self-driving lab (SDL), borne out of a $200 million grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund to the Acceleration Consortium.

Wearable medical device redefines cardiovascular monitoring

A team of researchers led by Professor Daniel Franklin (BME) unveiled a cutting-edge wearable medical device designed to revolutionize cardiovascular monitoring. This innovative device integrates multiple sensory modalities to provide a comprehensive assessment of hemodynamic status, surpassing conventional blood pressure monitoring.

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