Fw: Upcoming August Workshop, Writing & Hiring Opportunities for Graduate Students from the Centre for Learning Strategy Support, formerly Academic Success

Upcoming August offerings for Graduate Students 
from the Centre for Learning Strategy Support, 
formerly called Academic Success.
Summer Breeze Grad Writing Retreat
Join other graduate students for a productive day of facilitated writing with activities to optimize your mindset and energize your work.
Friday, July 26, 9:00am-7:00pm virtual 
Come for as much as you wish!
Register in Folio Here
Thursday, August 8, 4:00–5:15 pm 
Project management for grads: how professional PM principles can help research Masters and PhDs 
Tuesday, August 13, 4:00–5:15 pm 
Preparing for a Manageable Fall Term: Juggling Grad Work & Responsibilities 
Monday, August 19, 4:00–5:15 pm 
Preparing for a Manageable Fall Term  Part 2: Feedback Session & Coaching  
Tuesday, August 27, 4:00–5:15 pm 
Orientation Events 
for Incoming Grad Students and Professional Master’s Students
Wednesday, August 28, 5:00-6:30 pm 
Thursday, September 19, 3:00 –5:00 pm 
 Ongoing Weekly 
Writing Groups and Productivity Groups
All grad students in all disciplines are welcome in these supportive, positive, popular sessions.
Links in program titles are active.
Join a weekly group. See the times under ‘how the program works.’  Email gwg@utoronto.ca to register.  
To join an Accessibility Section, log into Folio or inquire at accessibility.services@utoronto.ca.
Log in using this link to browse and register for any group anytime.
Inquiries: Andrea Graham ak.graham@utoronto.ca
We’re Hiring!
We are looking for skilled grad student Facilitators to join our Team this Fall and Winter.
Check out Work Study postings in CLNx from Friday, August 16th.  Apply  by 4:00pm Tuesday, August 20th
  • Facilitator Grad Writing Groups – multiple positions
  • Facilitator Grad Productivity Groups – Actually Work From Home! – multiple positions
  • Grad Event Coordination Intern
  • Grad Programming Admin Intern
Inquiries: Andrea Graham, ak.graham@utoronto.ca
Join our Listserv! 
Graduate students, staff and faculty are invited to join  Grad Student Success to receive regular, advanced notice of workshops and programming designed specifically for graduate and second-entry professional students
Changes that took place May 1st:
Academic Success = Centre for Learning Strategy Support
Academic Success is now called the Centre for Learning Strategy Support.  
Same service, same people, same place! New name.   
CLNx = Folio
On May 1st, workshop and programming registration moved to a new registration system called Folio instead of CLNx. 
Student Life is still in the early phases of implementing Folio.  Let us know if you encounter a difficulty registering in the system: folio@utoronto.ca. Thanks for your patience—and see you soon!
Andrea Graham, Ph.D.
Team Lead, Graduate and Professional Programs
Centre for Learning Strategy Support (formerly Academic Success)
University of Toronto