BME498Y Frequently Asked Questions

Enrolment questions

Am I eligible to enroll or apply?

Only fourth year students in the BME Minor are allowed to enroll and only fourth year students in Arts & Sciences are allowed to apply.


How do I enroll in BME498Y?

If you are a BME Minor student, the form will be posted on the BME Minor Quercus board. If you do not have access but have submitted an enrollment form, please email

If you are an Arts & Sciences student you need to fill out an application form. Successful applicants will be contacted by the BME UG Office to confirm their intention to take the course. Once students have confirmed they will be added to the course.


When can I enroll/apply?

The application form and enrolment form will be open in early to mid-April each year.

Course questions


Will I get to pick my team or do I get assigned to a team?

Normally, students are allowed to form their own teams as long as they meet the requirements of the instructor (e.g., a balance of backgrounds). For MIE students specifically: they will be assigned to a team and an approved project. If the course is online, then there is a heavy emphasis on assigning students to teams before or at the beginning of the course.

How many people are on each team?

There are usually 4 per team.


Do we need to find project supervisors?

No, you don’t need to find a project supervisor from FASE. Project supervisors are already embedded in the course.


Will there be a capstone project list or do students come up with their own project? Can students come up with their own projects if they would like?

Yes, students are encouraged to come up with their own projects. But there is the possibility of joining a client-based project based on interested or assignment as MIE students have special requirements.


General Questions 

I don’t have a background in engineering and/or the biomedical field, would this be an issue?

Usually no. Teams will be balanced to ensure a range of experience and backgrounds.

What should the statement of Intent answer?

The statement of intent should answer: “Why are you interested in this course?”

I have been enrolled in BME498Y but I no longer want to take the course, how do I remove it?

If you are BME Minor student please contact

If you are an Arts & Sciences student, please contact your home department as the Engineering Registrar’s Office cannot remove courses for Arts & Sciences Students.


How do I enrol in the BME Minor?

For more information, please visit our BME Minor page.
