USRA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Application specific questions
Can I submit a hardcopy application package?
No. Please follow instructions to submit an electronic application.
What should I enter in the (...) field?
Use the following information below to help you complete your application:
- Name of discipline – The name of your program (i.e., Biomedical Engineering)
- Institution: UofT Students should indicate “Toronto”
- Department: If you are from BME, you should indicate “Institute of Biomedical Engineering”. Engineering Science students should indicate “Engineering Science, Division of”
- For expected degree completion, please follow the YYYY/MM format. The month should either be June (06) or November (11)
What is the research grant application number (RGPIN)?
This number is no longer being used by NSERC. Enter 999999 or any random six-digit number.
How will my supervisor find my Form 202 to complete their part of the application?
After students have completed Part I of Form 202, the application system will generate a reference number. Your supervisor will use this reference number to complete their part of the application.
Does my transcript have to be an official transcript?
Official transcripts are preferred but not required. If you are a UofT student, you may submit your academic history from ACORN or an eTranscript from UofT.
What should I enter as my expected degree completion month?
The month of your expected degree completion should be either June or November.
What should my supervisor do if s/he selected “Final” but then wants to modify Form 202 Part II?
Your supervisor should contact NSERC Help/On-line Support.
General questions
Can your office help me find a research supervisor?
No. Applicants are responsible for seeking a research supervisor, and having secured a research supervisor is a condition for award consideration. The NSERC USRA is highly competitive. All applicants are responsible for securing their own supervisor; the Undergraduate Office is unable to assist in this matter.
Are first-year students eligible for the award?
No. Students must be in their second or third year of study to apply. Fourth-year students may apply if they have not graduated by the application deadline or started graduate school during the award tenure period.
I am currently registered as a non-degree student, am I eligible to apply?
No. Only students actively pursuing undergraduate studies at an approved institution may apply.
How do I merge/combine multiple documents into a single pdf file?
See video tutorial on: How to combine pdf files on a Mac
See video tutorial on: How to combine pdf files on a PC
Can a Postdoctoral Fellow or a PhD student be my supervisor?
No, your supervisor needs to be a BME core faculty member or a cross-appointed faculty member.
- Undergraduate Research Coordinator: