Emergencies Contact

Emergency Dispatcher: 911

  • Be sure to provide:
    • Your name
    • Your location
    • Your contact information

St. George Campus Police: 416-978-2323

Campus Emergency Control Centre: 416-978-2222

UofT-Environmental Protection Service (EPS): 416-946-3473

UofT-Environmental Health and Safety (EHS): 416-978-4467

COVID-19 exposure related issues:

UofT's Occupational Health Nurse: ehs.occhealth@utoronto.ca.

UofT EHS Emergency Procedures

Accident/Incident Online Report

Please inform the BME Health & Safety Committee via safety.bme@utoronto.ca and complete one of the following forms within 24 hours of the accident:

***Please note both of the following forms require UTORid authentication.

Safety Training

What courses am I required to take?​​​​​​​

All research-stream students (and professional-stream students working in laboratory environments) must take the BME Health and Safety Orientation at the beginning of the program, and take the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) refresher course annually thereafter. Students are prohibited from starting the research program until the aforementioned requirements are completed. Additionally, you are required to attend mandatory specialized safety courses (e.g. laser safety, radiation safety, etc.) specific to your training environment.​​​​​​​​​​

Course codeNameFrequency
(Quercus) BME001BME Health and Safety OrientationOne time
EHS101WHMIS and Lab Safety TrainingOne time
EHS112WHMIS RefresherMandatory renewal annually
EHS601Laboratory Biosafety TrainingOne time
EHS602Biosafety RefresherMandatory renewal annually
EHS002 Basic Health and Safety AwarenessOne time

*Please note that EHS Training is ONLY accessible from the U of T campus network. Make sure you are logging in while on campus or using VPN. To obtain VPN access see these instructions.

Additional Safety Training Requirements

Depending on the type of research and lab that you are working in your training requirements will vary. Consult your supervisor to learn more about additional training requirements. A laboratory safety training matrix is provided below to facilitate discussion. ​​​​​​​

It is the joint responsibility of the student and supervisor to maintain all documents pertaining to biosafety agreements and training records. The student and supervisor should work together to ensure that training requirements and records are current and readily available for inspection (when requested) to be compliant with university regulations. All research participants (i.e. students) and biosafety permit holders (i.e. supervisors/lab managers) should acknowledge their agreement and understanding of university biosafety guidelines by completing the Biosafety MOU and Agreement below. Retain the signed document in a designated area of the lab or office.

If you work in an administrative role or as a BME facility staff, please be sure to check with the corresponding training matrix below to take the required health and safety training.


BME001 Laboratory Health and Safety Orientation

This orientation is now offered online through Quercus. Please follow these steps to register for the course:

  1. Fill out the BME Health and Safety Online Orientation Quercus Registration.
  2. Check your utoronto mailbox for the Quercus invitation to the course.


*Please send an email to: safety.bme@utoronto.ca in case you are having trouble with accessing the online orientation.

Guidelines & Resources

Important Forms:

*For all biosafety lab - a hard-copy of this safety agreement signed by each lab worker/student listed on the Biosafety Permit. Each of these signed form must be kept in the office/lab.
Note that your records may be audited during a lab inspection normally conducted prior to permit renewal