Posts Tagged: Award & Promotion
Jan Andrysek, Penney Gilbert, Dawn Kilkenny and Paul Yoo recognized for research achievements and teaching contributions in biomedical engineering at U of T.
U of T biomedical engineering professor recognized with Jonas Salk Award for sustained scientific contributions to improving the lives of people with physical disabilities.
U of T paediatric rehabilitation engineer to be honoured for contributions to country’s success and inspiring the next generation.
IBBME cancer nanotechnology researcher receives federal government support in the form of a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair.
U of T mechanical and biomedical engineer receives one of the highest international distinctions in the profession.
Locke Davenport Huyer is one of three students from across the university to be recognized in this category for scholarly achievements and community contributions.
U of T biomedical engineering professor recognized for achievements to improve the lives of women and girls in the community.
Meghan Wright received a Canada Graduate Scholarship and Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to spend six months at Harvard Medical School for research exchange.
U of T biomedical engineering professor receives UHN support to drive commercialization and entrepreneurship opportunities for students and hospital trainees.
Moshen Afshar and Alexander Vlahos have been recognized by the U of T Donnelly Centre for their work in muscle stem cells and a novel method to treat Type 1 Diabetes.
Showing 131 - 140 of 221 results