Posts Tagged: Magazine 2019

Exit Strategy

Sarah Sarabadani, Michael Li, and Marija Cotic worked in different Biomedical Engineering labs at the University of Toronto. Now they have all converged at Klick Health, a rapidly growing healthcare marketing and commercialization agency, headquartered in Toronto. We sat down to talk about their day-to-day activities and how they were able to leverage their skills to transition into non-traditional healthcare roles.

Making the (right) Cut

Co-founded in 2013 by Liz Munro (IBBME0T9), Perimeter Medical Imaging’s mission is to provide better tools for cancer surgeons. They specialize in building real-time, high resolution imaging devices which provide sub-surface images of tissue that can be used by surgeons for intra-operative tissue assessment.

Cancer Cartographers

Imagine being dropped off at the edge of an urban city with crisscrossing streets and no navigational instructions. The roads often run into dead-ends and are full of pot-holes, the network reception is non-existent, and the buildings aren’t numbered. If you want to get from the edge of the city into the downtown core, the only logical way is to map out your own route.

Walking Manual

When Dr. Jan Andrysek was a master’s student at Holland Bloorview Hospital in 1998, he was already working alongside rehabilitation engineers and clinicians to develop solutions to help kids walk.
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