Graduate Student Seminar Series – Mohammad Rezaei


Location: HS610 - 155 College St, Room 610 Presentation Title: Inferring cognitive state underlying conflict choices in verbal Stroop task Abstract: The subthalamic nucleus (STN) within the basal ganglia interacts with the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) to form a control loop, particularly active when the brain encounters contradictory information from different sensory systems or conflicting […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Laura Kondrataviciute


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: HS610 - 155 College St, Room 610 Presentation Title: Depressive-like phenotype induced by AAV-mediated overexpression of human α-synuclein in midbrain dopaminergic neurons Supervisor Name: Dr […]