Graduate Student Seminar Series – Alyssia Sanchez


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Home-based reminder system and data driven insights for dementia care Supervisor Name: Dr. Alex Mihailidis Year of Study: 2 Program of Study: […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Gurnish Sidora


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Towards the Use of Transcanal Recordings and Computational Fluid Dynamics for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulsatile Tinnitus Supervisor Name: Dr. David Steinman […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Rawad Alkallas


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: A Multi-Nodal Physiological Monitoring System Utilizing Multi-Wavelength Photoplethysmography and Bioimpedance for Advanced Hemodynamic Classification Supervisor Name: Daniel Franklin Year of Study: 2 […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Ruonan Cao


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Probing the epigenetic mechanisms for entering and exiting drug-tolerant persister state using high-throughput 3D tumour arrays Supervisor Name: Prof. Alison McGuigan Year […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Stefan Mladjenovic


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: TBD Supervisor Name: Warren Chan Year of Study: 4 Program of Study: PhD Powered by

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Kyle Lam


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Mechanical Control of Exosome Formation by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Abstract: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are used in cell therapies, for instance to […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Chung Yi Tseng


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: TBD Supervisor Name: Leo Chou Year of Study: 4 Program of Study: PhD Powered by

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Kevin Da


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Lateral Flow Assays for Acute Kidney Injury Monitoring in Pediatric Patients Supervisor Name: Dr. Craig Simmons & Dr. Xinyu Liu Year of […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Melody Li


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Vascularized Heart-on-a-chip for Recapitulating Physiological Complexity Abstract: *Rationale: Modeling physiological cardiac tissue and its disease responses accurately has been a crucial task […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Azadeh Aghamohammadi Sereshki


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: An Investigation of E-I Balance in Autism and ADHD Supervisor Name: Dr. Azadeh Kushki Year of Study: 4 Program of Study: MASc […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – David Li


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Modulation of the brain microenvironment for stroke therapy Supervisor Name: Molly Shoichet Year of Study: 2 Program of Study: PhD Powered by […]

Graduate Student Seminar Series – Anne Mei


Graduate Student Seminar Series Please ensure you invite your Principal Investigator by adding their email via the 'Add Guest' button and they will also be notified of your presentation. Location: WB116 Presentation Title: Automatic estimation of hand impairment in stroke survivors using egocentric video of multiple activities of daily living Supervisor Name: José Zariffa Year […]