Alf Dolan
Professor Emeritus
BSc (Saskatchewan), MSc (Missouri)
Research Stream: Clinical Engineering
Email: a.dolan@utoronto.ca | Tel: 416 978-7852 | Office: Lassonde Mining Building (MB), 170 College Street, Room 322E
Main Appointments
- Institute of Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests
Professor Dolan’s research had been involved with the defibrillation and artificial heart field as well as with the technology of cardiovascular surgery and intensive care.
More recently, in collaboration with Dr. W. Zingg, Prof. Dolan has begun to consider the problem of technology evaluation and effectiveness. His long standing involvement in international standardization for more that two decades now includes chairing the working group of the International Standards Organization, which is addressing risk management issues, including risk assessment, risk estimation, risk control and risk analysis for medical devices.
Collaboration with Baycrest Centres in development and application of effective and appropriate technology in health care has developed rapidly. This is now a major interest in the application of information technology in this area. Currently technology to assist the elderly to self evaluate and select appropriate technological aids for health maintenance and control of daily living is under development.
Additional interests include the development of appropriate clinical and management information systems for health care institutions. That system has now been extended beyond the prototype in one hospital to become part of the patient management system.