Posts Tagged: Research Funding
Smart finger pads for robots among six U of T Engineering projects awarded with Connaught Innovation funding
Donnelly Centre Investigators Win Inaugural Canada-UK Funding to Develop Microrobots for Brain Surgery and Cell Manipulation
Multidisciplinary team awarded five year, $1M project grant to develop a new filling material
Six U of T Engineering researchers are among nine teams awarded $1.2 million in funding from Medicine by Design to support critical new ideas in regenerative medicine.
Professors Paul Santerre and Craig Simmons will be receiving federal government support for their research aimed at addressing heart disease.
Professors Rita Kandel and Robert Pilliar are working on a promising new treatment that could see diseased joints replaced with new tissue-engineered joints.
Professor Craig Simmons will be leading an international team to address a disease that affects 2.5 billion people worldwide.
New projects led by Professors Milos Popovic and Milica Radisic gain support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation.
Professor Alison McGuigan's research on predicting how well promising drugs will work in patients is making "significant progress towards one of the most difficult and important goals in biological engineering."
IBBME professor presented with major research award to explore novel T1D treatment involving pancreatic cells
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